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Diploma in Architecture (C38)

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Design the Future City

Minimum entry requirements

8 to 14 points
6 to 9 points

Minimum entry requirements

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For O Levels


8 to 14 points


Admission to this course is based on merit, subject to the availability of vacancies. The net ELR2B2 aggregate scores of students admitted through the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) are provided as a general reference.

Minimum entry requirements / Grades

  • English Language : 7
  • Additional Mathematics/Mathematics : 6
  • Any one of the following subjects: 6
    • Biology
    • Biotechnology
    • Chemistry
    • Computing / Computer Studies
    • Creative 3D Animation
    • Design & Technology
    • Electronics / Fundamentals of Electronics
    • Exercise & Sports Science
    • Food & Nutrition / Nutrition & Food Science
    • Physics
    • Science (Chemistry, Biology)
    • Science (Physics, Biology)
    • Science (Physics, Chemistry)

Craft the blueprints for a greener world.

You will become professionals who are:

Visionary. Meticulous. Inventive. Visionary. Meticulous. Inventive.
Visionary. Meticulous. Inventive. Visionary. Meticulous. Inventive.
    What you'll learn
  • Shape urban experiences through sustainable architectural design and technology. Create human-centred designs with immersive visualisation, AI, and more – to impact lives and communities. Earn recognised certifications and network with top firms and industry veterans. 


    At the end of this diploma course, you’ll gain the following course competencies:

    • Architectural Practice & Project Management
    • Architectural Research & Design
    • Building Construction & Optimisation
    • Integrated Digital Delivery
    • Sustainable Building Strategies & Technologies
  • Learning Units

    • 23 Competency Units (CmU): Each CmU integrates skills and knowledge from different disciplines. This enables the students to fulfil specific work-tasks upon completion.
    • 5 Work-Integration Units (WIU): A WIU is a workplace contextualised project. It allows students to tackle real-world work problems under the guidance of our educators, so that our students graduate ready for the workplace. Each WIU belongs to a Competency Canvas that helps you develop and demonstrate your abilities to perform work tasks at a higher proficiency.

    5 Course Competencies

    Each Competency Canvas consists of a collection of Competency Units and a Work-Integration Unit (WIU), which is a workplace-contexualised project. Competency Canvases help you develop and demonstrate your abilities to perform work tasks at a higher proficiency.


    1 Internship Programme (ITP)
    In Year 3, all students will have a chance to do a 24-week internship with our industry partners and gain hands-on experience to be confident in the workplace.


    The ITP is one of the WIUs.

    1 Final Year Project (FYP)
    In Year 3, all students will do a final-year project in their specialisation of choice. This is a final project to showcase the skills that they have gained in the diploma.


    The FYP is one of the WIUs.


    11 General Studies Modules (GSM)
    General Studies Modules allow you to explore other areas of interest beyond your chosen area of specialisation. You will have to take 6 prescribed GSMs and 5 elective GSMs across Year 1 and 2.

Course Curriculum

This course adopts the new Professional Competency Model

  • You will take a total of 2 elective GSMs in Year 1. You will have a wide range of elective GSMs to choose from. Please note that the modules offered are subject to change each semester.

    Elective General Studies Modules

    Each elective module consists of 10 hours of class time and 5 hours of eLearning/self-directed learning.

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    School of Applied Science

    Science behind Skin Care (ASX111)


    Taking care of our skin is important, but which is the right routine for our individual skin type? Do expensive skin care products do a better job than cheaper ones? Learn more about what goes into a skin care product, the chemistry behind a good skincare product, as well as the myths and facts behind skin care.

    Understanding Our Environment (ASX112)


    Industrialisation and a rapidly growing population are putting a lot of stress on our planet, including global warming, ocean acidification, water shortage, biodiversity loss and desertification. This module will cover important environmental issues and how human activities affect them.

  • You will take a total of 3 elective GSMs in Year 2. You will have a wide range of elective GSMs to choose from. Please note that the modules offered are subject to change each semester.

    Elective General Studies Modules

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    School of Applied Science

    Fun with Chemistry (ASX201)


    Your favourite shirt has a stain and you are not sure how to get rid of it. Or maybe you are interested in creating your own cleaning agents or curious to know more about the chemical compounds that make up your unique scent. Go on a fun and exciting journey to understand how chemistry is all around us and how it affects our daily lives.

    Understanding Our Environment (ASX202)


    Industrialisation and a rapidly growing population are putting a lot of stress on our planet, including global warming, ocean acidification, water shortage, biodiversity loss and desertification. This module will cover important environmental issues and how human activities affect them.

    Wonders of Alternative Medicines (ASX203)


    From acupuncture, homeopathy, Ayurveda to traditional Chinese medicine – find out how these forms of alternative medicine work when compared to modern medicine.

    Science behind Skin Care (ASX204)


    Taking care of our skin is important, but which is the right routine for our individual skin type? Do expensive skin care products do a better job than cheaper ones? Learn more about what goes into a skin care product, the chemistry behind a good skincare product, as well as the myths and facts behind skin care.

    Food Culture (ASX205)


    Curious about how culture & lifestyle influence our food choices and the different kinds of food from the world over?


    Sign up for this module and be fascinated by an array of food found in Asian and Western cuisines and countries.


Nurturing you to be future-ready



Lay the right foundations in sustainable architecture with an internship at a top architectural firm. Learn from the best, gaining hands-on experience and honing the technical and soft skills you’ll need to succeed in the sector. Start building a design portfolio that stands out, while forging the connections that will open doors to future opportunities.

Post-graduation options

Icon of school building

Pursue a degree

Get advanced standing for courses at local and overseas universities. Our graduates have pursued degrees at:

  • National University of Singapore
  • Nanyang Technological University
  • Singapore Institute of Technology
  • Singapore University of Social Sciences
  • The Glasgow School of Art
  • and more
Icon of school building

Kickstart your career

Our graduates are highly sought after in dynamic industries, with rewarding careers in various fields.


To become a professionally registered architect in Singapore, you need to further your studies to obtain a Degree of Master of Architecture at recognised institutions by the Board of Architects Singapore and fulfil other requirements. Please refer to Board of Architects Singapore for more information.

Icon of school building

Advance your diploma

Pursue post-diploma opportunities, including specialist diplomas, industry-recognised certifications, and work-study programmes.

Pursue a degree

Get advanced standing for courses at local and overseas universities. Our graduates have pursued degrees at:

  • National University of Singapore
  • Nanyang Technological University
  • Singapore Institute of Technology
  • Singapore University of Social Sciences
  • Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • The Glasgow School of Art (UK)
  • RMIT University (AUS)
  • University of Melbourne (AUS)

Kickstart your career

To become a professional registered architect in Singapore, you will need to further your studies to obtain a Degree of Master of Architecture at recognised institutions by Board of Architects Singapore in addition to other requirements. Please refer to Board of Architects Singapore for more information.


Our graduates are highly sought after in dynamic industries, with rewarding careers in:

  • Architectural Assistant
  • Architectural Designer
  • Architectural Technologist
  • Architectural Visualiser
  • Assistant Specialist (Digital Delivery)
  • Building Information Modelling (BIM) Coordinator
  • Construction Management Coordinator
  • Project / Facilities Management Executive
  • Spatial Designer
  • Urban Design/Planning Assistant

Who's on board with us

Singapore University of Technology & Design (SUTD)

It is a good programme that closely matches the industry transformation map set out by the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore. It is the right move to focus on the sustainability of all the Course Competencies. This curriculum structure gives learners a great head start on picking up the profound transformation required in the areas of Building Construction & Optimisation and Integrated Digital Delivery upon graduation. The School of Design & Media has made a sound decision to move towards the Professional Competency Model, equipping its learners to meet the increased demand for graduates armed with expertise in these two areas.

Tai Lee Sian

Head of Pillar, Architecture & Sustainable Design, Singapore University of Technology & Design (SUTD)

CPG Consultants

The Course Competencies are aligned to the current built environment industry goals, such as the Singapore Green Plan 2030 and Building and Construction Authority Green Mark 2021. The curriculum will develop talents that will enable the transformation of the architectural practice.

Lim Lip Chuan, Frankie

Senior Vice President, CPG Consultants

Singapore Green Building Council

We are excited to see the emphasis on sustainability in the curriculum, with Sustainable Building Strategies & Technologies as one of the five Course Competencies in the diploma programme. As Singapore continues to champion sustainability in building and construction, graduates with expertise in this area will be at the forefront of developing innovative green building solutions. We look forward to future graduates joining us to push the envelope in an exciting industry that is constantly striving for progress.

Yvonne Soh

Executive Director, Singapore Green Building Council


Real experiences, real results

Get the inside scoop – students’ insights, experiences, and stories! Learn about the heartbeat of student life at NYP Architecture in their own words.

 Tsu Hui Lin

Tsu Hui Lin

Class of 2024

In the Diploma in Architecture course, we have learnt a variety of skills. My favourite class would be Building Studio, as it provides the freedom to be creative and encourages innovation.

Nur Syahirah Jusman

Nur Syahirah Jusman

Class of 2020

My journey through the Diploma in Architecture at NYP SDM has taught me to think broadly and fostered a deeper sensitivity towards the world around me. Till today, I still look at architecture and spaces with heightened awareness and appreciation.

Ng Choon Yee

Ng Choon Yee

Class of 2023

I really enjoyed the process of creating and developing unconventional ideas for my design studio projects. NYP has certainly nurtured our critical thinking and technical skills that prepared me well to cope and do well at NUS.

Apply to this course

To apply to this course, please visit our admissions page for more information.

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