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School of Applied Science Club

School of Applied Science Club
The School of Applied Science (SAS) Club is the official school club. Led by a team of passionate Executive Committee Members, the club organises various team bonding events to forge a strong sense of camaraderie and make SAS a home for its learners.

Since its inception in 2001, the club has grown from strength to strength. Most of the events such as the Freshmen Orientation, Recruitment Drive Camps, Leadership Camps, Community Projects and our very own SAS Champions League are learner‐driven. Learners who lead or take part in SAS Club events can look forward to widening their social circles, serving the school community, and sharpening their leadership skills all at the same time.

Arts & Culture

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Chinese Cultural Group

Chinese Cultural Group
The NYP Chinese Cultural Group (CCG) provides members with a platform to enrich their interests in the Chinese culture! Consisting of four sub-groups - Chinese Dance, Vocals, Drama, and Calligraphy, there is something for everyone! Chinese Cultural Group also organizes events and workshops and is actively involved in showcasing their talents and skills in various NYP-wide events such as the NYP Open House, National Day Celebrations, as well as Spectrum: NYP Arts Festival.

Ms Fervyn Kate Tan
6550 1915

Community Service & Environment

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CD Lionhearters

CD Lionhearters
In collaboration with Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), NYP CD Lionhearters Club was set up and launched in July 2013 with the mission of raising awareness in Emergency Preparedness, Civil Defence Skills and Fire Safety in NYP. Our Club members are trained by the SCDF in lifesaving skills such as First Aid, CPR and AED as well as fire safety measures and precautions such as proper use of fire extinguishers. The club also provides first aid service for campus events, and works closely with other SCDF Divisions in Singapore to organise SCDF-level projects. These include community and grassroots events such as Emergency Preparedness Day, where club members assist the SCDF in imparting its emergency preparedness knowledge and lifesaving skills to residents.

The annual events that members participate in include the CD Lionhearters Forum where active members are recognised through the presentation of the Most Active Award and the Singapore Global Firefighters and Paramedics Challenge (SGFPC), an international competition organised by SCDF which gathers the participation of various CD Lionhearters Club members from all institutions of higher learning in Singapore. Our club also participates and contributes actively to overseas humanitarian projects through fund-raising activities.

Leadership & Character Development

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Ambassadorial Team

 Ambassadorial Team (A Team)
The NYP Ambassadorial Team (A Team) was established in August 1995 to be front-line student representatives for Nanyang Polytechnic at campus-wide and national events.

A Team (as the group is fondly known) provides professional ushering and hosting services to NYP, its schools, departments, clubs, and external agencies. It takes pride in showcasing its professionalism at annual signature events such as graduation ceremonies, Symphony Orchestra’s Sinfonia and Chinese Orchestra’s annual concert, as well as award and scholarship ceremonies. 

A Team often gets invited by prominent agencies and organisations such as the Central Singapore CDC, NParks, SINDA, PUB, NHG to host events. Our Ambassadors also have the privilege of hosting many prominent figures such as the late former President Mr. S. R. Nathan, the late Minister Mentor Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, and numerous celebrities such as Jackie Chan and David Beckham, and foreign dignitaries.

The NYP Ambassadorial Team also provides event management services, By-Students-For-Students workshops on etiquette and grooming, student leadership, event management, and service-learning. Some of the events that we have organised or supported are the Purple Campaign, Purple Parade, Birthday Book Jr Launch Ceremony, Skills for Good Festival, Work-Learn Carnival, Bicentennial Roadshow Launch and many more.


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Adventure Club

Adventure Club
Adventure Club (ADC) specialises in a series of activities such as outdoor skills, trekking, leadership and both local and overseas expeditions. These activities are all managed by the club members under the careful supervision of a staff-in-charge. If this sounds like the club for you, sign up now!

Ms Jazlynn Lee
6550 1927


Mr Ishaq Rahman
6550 1222


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Catholic Youth Community

Catholic Youth Club
At club meetings, students learn more about Christ, the Catholic faith and its various teachings. Members meet to pray together and explore/expand their spiritual knowledge.

Though part of the Catholic Society, the club welcomes all who are interested in learning about the faith, regardless of religion, race and background. 

Throughout the semesters, the club holds various camps and activities, and also collaborate with other polytechnics on larger retreats and sharing activities.

forge friendship. unlock potential. forge friendship. unlock potential.
forge friendship. unlock potential. forge friendship. unlock potential.

Why join our CCAs

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Thrill of Competition

If it’s the thrill of competition that you’re seeking, join a competitive CCA that participates in the annual Polytechnic-ITE (POL-ITE) or Institute-Varsity-Polytechnic (IVP) Games. You’ll get a chance to compete with other student athletes who also share your passion for sports!
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Amplified Social Circle

Choose from a wide range of activities including Adventure, Martial Arts, Mind Sports, Sports and Water Sports. Come make new friends and bring along your peers for a great bonding time! 
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Cultivation of Values

Through sports, you can learn intangible values such as Sportsmanship, Teamwork and Fair play.