Annual Course Fees
The Polytechnics adopt a cohort-based fee structure, which means that student’s tuition fees will remain constant for the entire duration of their course.
Table: AY2025 annual fee payable by students enrolling in a full-time diploma course, who have opted for the Tuition Grant (TG) Scheme.
Admitted in Academic Year | Fees | Singapore Citizens (SC)* (40 years old and above) | Singapore Citizens (SC) (Below 40 years old) | Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) | International Students (IS) |
(S$) | (S$) | (S$) | (With GST, S$) | ||
Year 2025 | Subsidised Tuition Fee (TF) | 2,100.00 | 3,100.00 | 6,400.00 | 12,400.00 |
Supplementary Fees & Applicable GST | 87.65 | 87.65 | 117.65 | 143.24 | |
Fees Payable for the Academic Year | 2,187.75 | 3,187.65 | 6,517.65 | 12,543.24 | |
Year 2024 | Subsidised Tuition Fee (TF) | 2,000.10 | 3,000.00 | 6,200.00 | 12,000.00 |
Supplementary Fees & Applicable GST | 71.75 | 71.75 | 101.75 | 127.34 | |
Fees Payable for the Academic Year | 2,071.85 | 3,071.75 | 6,301.75 | 12,127.34 | |
Year 2023 | Subsidised Tuition Fee (TF) | 2,000.10 | 3,000.00 | 6,200.00 | 12,010.19 |
Supplementary Fees & Applicable GST | 71.75 | 71.75 | 101.75 | 127.34 | |
Fees Payable for the Academic Year | 2,071.85 | 3,071.75 | 6,301.75 | 12,137.53 |
*With SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy
The information above is correct as of 13 Dec 2024. Subject to further changes.
- The fees stated above are for your reference only.
- Tuition Fees for Singaporean Citizens (SC) and Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) are before GST. The Government continues to absorb the GST chargeable on tuition fees payable by SC and SPR students. Tuition Fees for International Students (IS) are inclusive of GST.
- Fees are billed on a semestral basis. You will receive your e-Bill on the actual fees payable after semester starts. You will be notified by email sent to your NYP Student email address and/or SMS once the e-bill is ready for viewing.
- Subsidised students are those who are eligible and accepting the MOE Tuition Grant. For details on the scheme, please refer to MOE TG website.
- Tuition fee for Reserved National Servicemen will be based on the year of offer.
Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) students should refer to the PFP tuition fees page for details.
Fees Payment Schedule
Full-Time Diploma and Polytechnic Foundation Programme fees are billed on a semestral basis.
Academic Year | Semester 1 | Semester 2 |
Payment Due Date | End June | End Dec |
The Singapore Government, through the Ministry of Education (MOE) provides Tuition Grant (TG) to help students with the cost of their full-time tertiary education in Singapore up to a maximum of 10 semesters.
- Students who are not eligible or did not accept TG or did not complete the TG Agreement signing by the scheduled dates, will have to pay the unsubsidised course fees (inclusive of prevailing GST rate) for their studies in Nanyang Polytechnic.
- For Singapore Permanent Residents or International Students who have received the TG, must be employed full-time in a Singapore entity for 3 years upon graduation to fulfill the bond obligations.
Information and Instructions for grant application/declaration
Only applicable during enrolment period and to submit within 1 week after accepting course offer
- For Singapore Citizens (SCs) – Tuition Grant Eligibility Declaration Form
(Compulsory submission for all SCs) - For Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRS) - Tuition Grant Option Form
(Compulsory submission for SPRs who are taking TG) - For International Students (ISs) – Tuition Grant Option Form
(Compulsory submission for ISs who are taking TG)
For Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs) and International Students (ISs)
You are required to fulfil and complete the tuition grant application process as follows:
STEP 1Submit TG Option Form & Complete Pre Application Steps
1) Submit Tuition Grant Option Form within 1 week after accepting course offer
2) Complete 2 Pre-Application Steps
- Get Singpass Pass (Singpass Registration User Guide)
- Gather Sureties’ Information & Photo Identity Documents (ID) in advance
Be Ready for TG Application Guide
STEP 2TG Freshmen Briefing
Date : 16 May 2025 (Friday)
Time : 2.30pm to 4.30pm
Venue : NYP Auditorium
STEP 3Submit TGonline Application through MOE TG&S System
Online Application Date: 16 May to 25 May 2025
You are required to login to MOE TG&S System via your Singpass to complete your TG application.
STEP 4Sign Tuition Grant Agreement (TGA) online
Signing Date: 26 May to 15 Jun 2025
Students and sureties will be notified via email by MOE to sign the TGA online.
For more information, visit:
- Your sponsoring-company is to officially inform NYP’s Admissions & Academic Affairs Department via FormSG 14 days before commencement of the semester. NYP will then bill your company directly.
- Please confirm with your sponsoring-company on their subsidy amount. You should still apply the MOE Tuition Grant unless your sponsoring-company instructed that they will pay the unsubsidised course fees.
- Please do not apply for any of the Financing Scheme(s) i.e. Mendaki Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy, Post Secondary Education Account Scheme, CPF Education Loan Scheme, Tuition Fee Loan Scheme, etc.
- Semester fees are due and payable by students at the start of the semester. The fees rates payable are based on the citizenship status prevailing at that point in time, if applicable.
- Students who change their citizenship before semester starts or within 2 weeks after semester starts and officially inform NYP up to the last day of that semester, will have have their fees adjusted in that semester to Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident rate accordingly. Refund will be made for the difference in fees already paid in that semester.
- Students who change their citizenship 2 weeks after the commencement of the semester and officially inform NYP up to the last day of that semester, will have their fees revised in subsequent semester to Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident rate accordingly. No refund will be made for the difference in fees already paid in that semester.
For New Students
Period of Withdrawal Fees Payable Before semester commences To pay $50 administrative charges 1st week of semester To pay 25% of Tuition Fees
To pay Insurance, Student Union Fees, Union Entrance and Orientation PackageAfter 1st week of semester To pay 100% of Tuition Fees and Supplementary Fees For Existing Students
Period of Withdrawal Fees Payable Before semester commences No fees payable 1st week of semester To pay 25% of Tuition Fees
To pay Insurance and Student Union FeesAfter 1st week of semester To pay 100% of Tuition Fees and Supplementary Fees Refund of excess payment
- Once fees payable are settled, there will be no claim from the Financing Scheme(s) and no refund of fees already paid.
- However, should there be any excess amount, it will be refunded at a later date.
- Refunds will be credited to the same Interbank GIRO account for fee deduction.
- Once fees payable are settled, there will be no claim from the Financing Scheme(s) and no refund of fees already paid.