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Can I apply?

Government and/or private funded bursaries are available for Full-time Diploma & PFP students.

Government-funded bursaries for Full-Time Diploma & PFP Students (Singapore Citizens)
  • The type of government bursary that you will be awarded will depend on whether you have met the corresponding income eligibility of the bursary award. You therefore need only to make one application for the different government bursaries – HECB, HEB or DFP Bursary.
  • As the majority of full-time subsidised students are eligible for government bursaries, you are highly encouraged to apply for government bursaries early in March/April so that your application can be approved in time for settlement of fees as well as be considered for additional selected private funded bursaries, awards and grants that are given out early in Semester 1. There is no need for separate and additional applications for these privately-funded bursaries, awards and grants.
  • Student must not be a recipient of full scholarship (cover tuition fees and allowance)/sponsorship in the same academic year.
  • Full-time Diploma students on the Mendaki Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy scheme is eligible to apply for bursary.
  • Click here to view important notes on Gross Household Income (GHI) & Per Capita Income (PCI).


Government-funded bursaries for Full-time Diploma StudentsQuantum per 
academic yearPer Capita Income (PCI)
Gross Household Income (GHI)
Higher Education Community Bursary (HECB) Tier 1$2,950$0 to $750 $0 to $3,000
Higher Education Community Bursary (HECB) Tier 2$2,600$751 to $1,100$3,001 to $4,400

Higher Education Bursary (HEB)

Tier 1

$2,000$1,101 to $1,875$4,401 to $7,500

Higher Education Bursary (HEB)

Tier 2

$900$1,876 to $2,500$7,501 to $10,000

*Student whose family income meets either PCI or GHI will be eligible for the bursary tier indicated in the same row.


Government-funded bursary for PFP StudentsQuantum per 
academic yearPer Capita Income (PCI)
Gross Household Income (GHI)
Diploma Foundation Programme (DFP) Bursary$1,300$0 to $750$0 to $3,000

*Student whose family income meets either PCI or GHI will be eligible for the bursary tier indicated in the same row.

Private funded bursaries, awards and grants (Singaporean Citizen & Singapore PR)
  • With generous donations from industry partners, charitable organisations and philanthropic individuals, NYP can provide financial assistance to needy students in the form of bursaries, awards & grants. View our donors' list here.
  • Students must not receive full scholarships/sponsorship in the same academic year.


For Singaporean full-time diploma students:

  • Once you apply for a government bursary in an academic year, you may then be considered by NYP for private-funded bursaries, awards, and grants – if you meet the donor’s requirements, including income eligibility.
  • You are not required to separately apply for private-funded bursaries, awards and grants in that academic year.


For Singapore Permanent Residents full-time diploma students:

  • You are encouraged to apply for private donor bursaries, awards and grants during the stipulated application period as shown in the table below.
Bursary typeQuantum per 
academic yearPer Capita Income (PCI) Gross Household Income (GHI)
Private funded bursaries$1,500 to $3,000$0 to $2,500$0 to $10,000

*Student whose family income meets either PCI or GHI will be eligible for the bursary tier indicated in the same row.

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Application and disbursement period

Bursary typeApplication periodApplication outcome*Estimated disbursement period (Semester 1)Estimated disbursement period (Semester 2)
Government-funded bursaries



1a) 17 Mar - 31 Mar 2025*


*All students are encouraged to apply by 31 Mar 2025 to receive

early disbursement of bursary in Jul 2025.


1b) 1 Apr - 30 Apr 2025










Mid-June 2025




1a) Jul 2025















1b) Aug 2025




1a) Feb 2026















1b) Feb 2026

2) 11 Jun - 25 Jun 2025Mid-Sep 2025Oct/Nov 2025Feb 2026
3) 22 Sep - 19 Oct 2025End-Dec 2025N.A.Feb 2026
4) 2 Jan - 10 Jan 2026End-Feb 2026N.A.Apr 2026
Private-funded bursaries22 Sep - 19 Oct 2025End-Dec 2025N.A.Feb 2026 


Disbursement arrangement
  • The student will only be eligible for a bursary for the semester(s) that he/she pays subsidised fees, ie half the annual bursary quantum for each semester.
  • For bursary applications made in Mar/Apr and Jun: In each semester, half the annual bursary will be used to offset the semester fees before any available balance is disbursed to the student.
  • For bursary applications made in Sep/Oct and Jan
    • The bursary disbursed will include the previous semester’s bursary if the student is required to pay subsidised fees for that semester. 
    • The bursary awarded is used to offset any outstanding fees before any available balance is disbursed to the student.

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How do I apply?

For bursary application, please visit NYP Student Portal. You will be required to login with your NYP credentials.


  • Bursary award is tenable for one academic year only. Students will have to submit a new application if they wish to be considered for the bursary again in the subsequent academic year.
  • Students who have missed the bursary application periods, please contact us at 6550 0056 or