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Green Solutions - Alliance for Sustainability Innovation (ASI)

We recognise the importance of sustainability and have started an Alliance for Sustainability Innovation (ASI). As a collaborative platform, ASI supports and empowers forward-thinking enterprises on their sustainability journey. The alliance also provides an avenue for knowledge exchange, alongside sharing of experiences and industry best practices.

Objectives of ASI

Education and awareness

To organize workshops, webinars, and training to educate the community on sustainable practices, innovations, and global sustainability goals. This knowledge will enable companies to make informed decisions and influence positive change in our personal and professional lives.

Resource sharing

To serve as a platform for sharing resources, best practices, and success stories. Whether it's implementing energy-efficient measures, reducing waste, or promoting sustainable procurement, we can learn from each other's experiences and leverage on collective wisdom.

Collaboration projects

To undertake collaborative projects and test bedding aimed at reducing our environmental footprint, such as implementing recycling programs or supporting local environmental initiatives.

Networking and partnerships

To connect with like-minded companies across industry sectors. This network will foster partnerships and enable us to amplify our impact by pooling resources, expertise, and influence.

What are some challenges faced by companies?

In today's dynamic business landscape, companies are navigating a myriad of sustainability challenges. From resource constraints to environmental impact, the pursuit of sustainable practices has become a critical aspect of corporate responsibility. NYP understands the key sustainability challenges faced by companies as the following:

  • ESG reporting needs
    Timely ESG reporting, including an assessment of climate risks assessment is important. Companies do not have enough information on Why, What, When and How to report.
  • Business sustainability
    Starting on sustainability journey and reporting will enable companies to sustain their business operations in various regions. Companies will have to grasp the art of balancing their product and service offerings to ensure business expansion.
  • Industry partnerships
    Companies can leverage industry partners for solutioning, and engage like-minded leaders to learn, gain insights and adopt best practices.
  • Sustainability standards landscape
    Given the adoption of diverse in different global regions, it is crucial form companies to understand the global trends and stay informed.
How ASI acts an platform to help?
Support and services

ASI provides numerous opportunities to support businesses in their journey towards achieving sustainability excellence. With a dedicated team and cutting-edge facilities, we are committed to assisting companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in developing and adopting eco-friendly solutions that increase productivity and improve efficiency.

Ecosystem and partnerships

ASI works closely with government agencies, trade associations, and various industry partners throughout the value chain. Our goal is to establish a Sustainability Ecosystem that promotes and expedites the adoption of sustainable solutions across industry sectors.

Sustainability Living Lab

ASI forms close partnerships with a wide range of industry leaders across various sectors to lead and test innovative solutions designed to create a sustainable future. The partnerships lead to fruitful industry projects such as NATURE - Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials Teaching Facility for Urban Environment.


NATURE is an integrated research, teaching & learning facility using an eco-friendly, low carbon, low energy & low water consumption system. It facilitates multi-disciplinary research projects across schools and departments in renewal energy, sustainable technology, smart and intelligent systems, design, horticulture, provides research space with industry collaboration, experiential classrooms for various diplomas as well as sustains horticultural & sustainable interest groups.

What can ASI offer to its members?
  • Engage in events and seminars
    Organise various events and seminars for members to engage industry leaders in sustainability development.
  • Learn through training and workshops
    Co-create training sessions and workshops with industry experts, to empower companies with the latest knowhow on sustainability.
  • Explore solutions
    Sustainability solutions for members to explore and leverage within NYP’s Living Lab.
  • Collaborate in joint development
    Projects to help reduce carbon footprint tailored to the needs of companies in partnership with ASI, powered by NYP.
  • Report service
    Sustainability innovations as a service for members.



Contact us

For enquiries, please email asi@nyp.edu.sg for more information.