EAE Tips: Sustainability in Engineering with Business (C41)

Dream of a greener future? NYP’s Diploma in Sustainability in Engineering with Business equips you with the skills to develop cutting-edge solutions for environmental challenges and transform engineering ideas into sustainable businesses. Whether you're fascinated by harnessing state-of-the-art technologies to address environmental challenges or dream of becoming an entrepreneur capable of translating engineering concepts into sustainable businesses, this course will empower your ambitions.

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Ideal applicant

Applicants should demonstrate:

  • Keen interest in engineering and sustainability in general and particularly in developing sustainable product as a solution to environmental challenges;
  • Good aptitude in mathematics, science and technology;
  • Experience in creating a product or deriving a practical solution to a physical problem encountered in life, either in a school setting (e.g., CCA, D&T) or as a personal interest (e.g., hobby, participated in competitions) ; and
  • Strong leadership, teamwork, critical thinking, creative, and perseverance.

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Shortlisted applicants will be assessed as follows:


If you are shortlisted, you will be invited for an interview to share more about your passion for the course with a panel of interviewers. You will be assessed on your interest, aptitude, as well as your achievements in both engineering and non-engineering domains. The duration of the individual interview will be about 15 minutes.

Some of the questions which you may be asked during the interview include:

  • Why do you think Sustainability in Engineering with Business is a suitable course for you?
  • Do you have any experience in creating a product or deriving solutions to a problem you encountered?
  • Can you elaborate on what you know about sustainability?
  • Can you share with us one current technological trend that fascinates you?
  • How do you think the course is going to help you in the career path you aspire to take in the future?
  • If you land your dream job in the future, how would you make the world and society a better place?
Portfolio (Optional but recommended)

You should include in your portfolio, any evidence and/or activities (e.g., any competitions or projects related to maths, science, and technology, or entrepreneurship) that showcase your character and involvement relevant to engineering and business.


Example of what to include in your portfolio:

  • Testimonials
  • Certificates (e.g., academic, achievement and/or personal development)
  • Awards or participation in engineering or business-related competitions, at school and/or national level
  • Evidence of product-creation/problem-solving projects (e.g., coursework or CCA or hobby)
  • Relevant learning journeys or Applied Learning Module (ApLM, formerly known as Advanced Elective Modules [AEM])
  • Evidence of leadership activities or roles

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