Aerospace Engineering (C26)

NYP's Diploma in Aerospace Engineering is your gateway to the captivating realm of aerospace technology. The diploma blends theoretical knowledge with practical experience, preparing you for diverse aircraft maintenance and manufacturing roles.


Dive deep into the heart of aviation and aerospace engineering with our curriculum designed to spark your passion and equip you with the skills needed for success in this dynamic industry. Whether your fascination lies in the mechanical intricacies of aircraft or the cutting-edge world of avionics, our programme offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to ignite your passion and pave the way for a rewarding career in the aerospace industry.

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Ideal applicant

Applicants should demonstrate:

  • Keen interest and passion for Aerospace Engineering, either Mechanical or Avionics pathways, with a strong desire to pursue a career in aircraft maintenance, avionics or aerospace manufacturing and production;
  • Experience in a school environment (e.g., through a CCA, community activity, or a class leadership position) where you learned and showcased your talents and skills on aero models, mechanical models, electronics, drones, mechanisms;
  • Participation and involvement in external programmes/activities related to aerospace/aviation, mechanical and electronics (e.g., competition attended, Youth flying Club, aero-modeling events, drone events, aerospace career events or online learning sites for mechanical /electronics and aerospace topics); and
  • Strong leadership, teamwork, critical thinking, creativity, self-improvement, and collaboration skills to develop innovative and creative solutions to solve problems in the aerospace engineering domain.

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Shortlisted applicants will be assessed as follows:


If you are shortlisted, you will be invited for an interview to share more about your passion for the course with a panel of interviewers. You will be assessed on your interest, aptitude, and understanding of the course and the aerospace and aviation industry. You may also be asked to share your vision of your future self and desired role in the industry. The individual interview will be about 15 minutes.

Some of the questions which you may be asked during the interview include:

  • What sparked your interest in aerospace engineering, and why do you believe it is your right career path?
  • Describe any hands-on experiences or projects related to aerospace engineering or general engineering that you have been involved in and how they have contributed to your understanding of the field.
  • How do you envision leveraging your skills and talents in mechanical systems or avionics to excel in the Aerospace Engineering program?
  • Share your long-term career goals within the aerospace industry and how you believe our program will help you achieve them.
Portfolio (Optional)

You should include in your portfolio any evidence and/or activities (e.g., aerospace, engineering competitions) that showcase your character and involvement relevant to aerospace or engineering (such as hands-on skills, aero-modelling, drones, mechanical or electronics knowledge).


Example of what to include in your portfolio:

  • Testimonials or recommendations
  • Certificates (e.g., academic, achievement and/or personal development)
  • Awards or participation in Engineering competitions, both at school or national level
  • Evidence of mechanical/electronics projects done, (e.g., coursework or CCA)
  • Relevant learning journeys or Applied Learning Modules (ApLM, formerly known as Advanced Elective Modules  [AEM])
  • Evidence of leadership activities or roles
  • Participation in both Engineering-related and non-Engineering related CCAs
  • Any additional materials that demonstrate the applicant's passion for aerospace engineering and potential for success in the programme


  1. Candidates with colour vision deficiency, hearing and/or other physical impairment may encounter difficulties meeting the course requirements and expectations. Those who do not satisfy this requirement may not be accepted into the course of study.

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