EAE Tips: Common Business Programme (C34)

Need more time to decide on your ideal business specialisation? NYP's Common Business Programme is a popular choice. This unique one-semester programmme equips learners with foundational knowledge across various business disciplines. You'll gain valuable insights into each field, allowing you to make an informed decision about your future career path.


Upon completion, you'll rank your top choices and seamlessly transition into Year 2 of your chosen diploma programme in Accountancy & Finance, Banking & Finance, Business Management, Food & Beverage Business, or Hospitality & Tourism Management.


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Ideal applicant

Applicants should demonstrate:

  • Interest in business and possess business acumen or experience whether in a school environment (e.g. through a CCA, a community activity or as a class post), or in an external context (perhaps in communities, competitions attended, or having their own/helping out at businesses);
  • Awareness of global business trends, challenges and opportunities through identification and discussion of recent business developments;
  • Critical thinking, analytical skills, and problem-solving abilities to deliver holistic solutions to mitigate real-world problems; and,
  • The ability to communicate ideas clearly and in a logical manner.

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Shortlisted applicants will be assessed as follows:


If you are shortlisted, you will be invited for an interview to share more about your passion for the course with a panel of interviewers. You will be assessed on your interest, aptitude, as well as communication and presentation skills. The duration of the interview will be between 15 to 25 minutes for a one-to-one interview, or longer if it is a group interview.

Some questions which you may be asked during the interview include:

  • What are the reasons for choosing this programme?
  • Can you share what learning units or aspects of this programme attracted you to apply for it?
  • What are some key attributes to succeed in the business sector?
  • Share a recent business article which is of interest to you.
  • Share a vision of your future self.
Portfolio (Optional)

You should include in your portfolio any evidence and/or activities (e.g. online business) that showcase your character and involvement relevant to business management (such as leadership skills and an entrepreneurial spirit).


Examples of what to include in your portfolio:

  • Testimonials
  • Certificates (e.g., academic, achievement and/or personal development)
  • Awards

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