NYP's Statement in Response to AGO's Findings

Published on 17 Jul 2024
New training portal to improve NYP’s course fee collection

NYP acknowledges AGO’s observations on the delays in billing and inadequate debt recovery actions on outstanding course fees between 2020 to June 2023, which coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic when there was a rapid uptick in the number of Continuing Education and Training (CET) training places, in part due to the SGUnited Jobs and Skills efforts. For example, we had almost 53 per cent more training places in 2021, as compared to 2019. As of 10 July 2024, 68.3% (amounting to $162,000) of the total outstanding course fee bills of $237,000 from 304 bills have been accounted for.

To improve our financial governance, NYP had, prior to the audit, launched a new training portal in July 2023 to automate billing and course fee collection and avoid similar lapses. NYP will closely monitor the effectiveness of the portal, while intensifying efforts to recover the outstanding amounts by Q4 of 2024.


Fire safety in NYP has been, and continues to be, sound

We take a serious view towards the irregularities flagged by AGO and a Police report has been made. We wish to clarify that the two fire hydrant test reports flagged in AGO’s findings were handed over to AGO as supporting documents to facilitate AGO’s audit, and had no effect on NYP’s past applications for Fire Certificates.

NYP’s fire safety has been, and continues to be, sound. There are many features that contribute to fire safety, including dry risers, automatic sprinklers and smoke control systems, and the system as a whole had been certified safe. Arising from the AGO findings, NYP has engaged independent contractors to do further checks, and will work closely with SCDF to ensure continued fire safety on campus.