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Manpower Solutions

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Upskill Your Staff
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Workplace Learning
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Hire Our Students

Empower your workforce with our transformative solutions.

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Green Solutions

Resource Sharing & Education
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Collaboration Projects

Kickstart your company’s sustainability journey with us.

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Our Capabilities

Collaborate with industry-respected experts and passionate peers in our cutting-edge centres and labs. Gain access to the latest advancements and tackle real-world challenges.

We spearhead these initiatives

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Jobs-Skills Integrator (JSIT) for Precision Engineering

We are the designated partner to bridge the critical gap between industry needs and workforce skills. NYP offers a suite of customised training and skills development solutions designed to empower the next generation of engineers.

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National Workplace Learning (NWpL) Certification

Jointly conferred by NACE Led by NYP and the Singaporean-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, this national certification sets the benchmark for workplace learning excellence and fostering continuous learning and development within organisations in Singapore. It recognises exemplary and progressive organisations that have implemented a robust workplace learning system, strategies and processes to empower their employees for continuous learning and be adaptable to evolving change.

Visit NACE website
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Workplace Learning: Ready (WPL: Ready) Mark

A national initiative by NACE Led by NYP, recognises organisations with foundational workplace learning systems and processes that empower employees for continuous learning and growth.

Visit NACE website

Who we’ve partnered with