Sustainability 101 for the Green Economy

Sustainability 101 for the Green Economy

About this course

Course objectives

Completing the course enables you to:• Understand your company's green transition.• Share insights and learn about the common concepts vital for the green economy.• Identify areas for improvement within your companies and make informed decisions to transit towards a more sustainable operation model without compromising on your own profits & loss.

Course description

The course aims to introduce and equip professionals with enough knowledge to lead and plan their company’s green transition. This course would introduce these professionals to common concepts vital for the green economy such as, Singapore Green Plan 2030, the Circular Economy, Carbon Reporting, Sustainability Reporting, Energy Efficiency, Green-Washing, and Innovations in Sustainability. This would allow these professionals to identify areas for improvement within their companies and make informed decisions to transit towards a more sustainable operation model without compromising on their own profits & loss.