Ace Your EAE Application in 5 ways

Alert! Applications for the Early Admissions Exercise (EAE) take place in June every year. As its name suggests, it helps you get into your choice course early. Admission via EAE is not about your academic results. Instead, the polytechnics are looking for individuals who are interested and passionate about the course.


So, here’s your chance! If you can show the lecturers why you would be a good candidate for the course, you may be among the 20% of the intake that can come in via the EAE.

Here are five ways to get the polys to sit up and take an interest in you.


1) 600-character write-up (Aptitude and Interest)

You will need to prepare a 600-character write-up that briefly shows your interest in the course. Pro-tip: Keep it short and sweet as the 600 characters include spacing and punctuation. When you get to the exclamation mark at end of this sentence, we’d already have used 304 characters in this paragraph!


Express your interest and try to back it up. For example: “I have always admired tech gurus, like Steve Jobs. I built my first computer from scratch at 14 years old and participated in the iCode competition organised by NYP’s School of Information Technology.”


Include any relevant CCAs or work experience, or interest-based events you have participated in, like the Young Engineering Academy programme at NYP.

Even if you do not have hard 'proof', you can always impress the poly with your related hobbies, knowledge and your experiences.


2) 1,000-character write-up (Talent & Achievements)

Although the 1,000-character write-up for Talent & Achievements is not compulsory, it helps to boost your chances if you can fill in this section. Scored any awards in any competition? Tell us! A Merit or Consolation is fine too. Represented your school or country? Be sure to also state any leadership roles you’ve held. If you’ve participated in your school’s values-in-action (VIA) programme, we’d love to hear all about it too.


3) The order of your choices matter

Remember you can choose up to 3 courses for the EAE. Place your choices in order of preference. Your first choice should be the course you are really interested in, followed by your second most preferred one. Your choices do not have to be related as you may have diverse interests, but be sure to submit a 600-character write-up for each of the three courses.


You may be called up for interviews for all three choices, but you will only be offered one course.


4) Bring a relevant portfolio

You slayed your write-up. Now, it’s interview time. YAY! Top tip: Bring a portfolio. (Psst… A portfolio is not just for art or design.) Put together a folder of things to demonstrate that you’ve got the passion. Programmed a robot using Python/Arduino? Started an online business on Carousell? Produced a short animation clip? Show the interviewers what you’ve done. Now is the time to flex.


5) Arm yourself with knowledge and be prepared to show and tell

Read up on the course curriculum so you know exactly what you are applying for. Be prepared to verify what you said and demonstrate your passion. Different courses require different aptitudes.


For example, in Social Work, it’s important that you show how you can empathise with others.


For Pharmaceutical Science, you’ll need to show the ability to cope with the rigour of chemistry and biology subjects. You may also be asked to elaborate on your participation or attendance in interest-based workshops or competitions.


Interested to sign up now? Check out more details: