EAE Tips: Pharmaceutical Science (C65)

Are you fascinated by how medicines work? Do you aspire to help others fight illnesses through the correct use of medication? NYP’s Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science equips you with competencies in pharmaceutical science and related areas such as clinical trial management and pharmaceutical operations. You will receive specialised instruction in pharmacology and pharmacotherapy, enabling you to provide high-quality healthcare to patients.

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Ideal applicant

Applicants should demonstrate:

  • Interest in pharmaceutical science, especially in pursuing a career in the healthcare sector to manage patients’ health status through the use of medications;
  • Experience in a school environment (e.g. through a CCA, a community activity or a project), or in an external context (e.g., learning journey or online learning on healthcare related areas) where you learned about science subjects that are related to pharmaceutical science, such as biology and chemistry;
  • Leadership, teamwork, critical thinking and analytical skills, and problem-solving abilities to deliver a holistic solution to mitigate a real-world problem; and,
  • The ability to communicate ideas clearly and in a logical manner.

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Shortlisted applicants will be assessed as follows:


If you are shortlisted, you will be invited for an interview to share more about your passion for the course with a panel of interviews. You will be assessed on your interest, aptitude, as well as your achievements in both science and non-science domains. The duration of the individual interview will be about 15 minsutes.

Some questions which you may be asked during the interview include:

  • What motivates you about a career in healthcare?
  • Which aspect of this programme attracted you to apply for it?
  • Have you taken part in any competition/CCA that is pharmaceutical science (biology/chemistry) related?
  • Do you have any experience in getting to know any medications (e.g., for flu, cough, etc)?
  • What are your most enjoyable moment(s) during biology/chemistry classes in secondary school?
Portfolio (Optional)

You should include in your portfolio, any evidence and/or activities (e.g biology/chemistry competitions) that showcase your character and involvement relevant to pharmaceutical science (such as leadership skills, attention to details, good communication skills).


Examples of what to include in your porfolio:

  • Testimonials
  • Certificates (e.g. academic, achievement and/or personal development)
  • Awards or participation in science (biology/chemistry) related competitions, both at school or national leve
  • Evidence of science(biology/chemistry) related projects (e.g. coursework or CCA)
  • Relevant learning journeys or Applied Learning Module (ApLM, formerly known as Advanced Elective Modules [AEM])
  • Evidence of leadership activities or roles
  • Participation in both science and non-science related CCAs

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