AI Ignitor Programme

Applied AI Programme with SkillsFuture Singapore Mentorship Support Grant

This unique programme helps businesses like yours take a step-by-step approach to adopting AI. It's designed to:

  • Make AI less intimidating: We'll ease you into AI with a small-scale project, demonstrating how it can benefit your business.
  • Boost your confidence: See real results quickly, building your trust in AI's potential.
  • Learn and adapt: Get immediate feedback on your project, so that you can refine your AI strategy for bigger wins.
  • This workshop yields two key deliverables:

    1. Create an AI adoption roadmap in phases, and integrate your business' data strategy in your AI roadmap. 
      This data strategy will ensure the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of data - by incorporating human behaviours in work processes, considering human aspects that may affect data quality, and facilitating the ease of adoption across departments and teams.

    2. Craft a detailed scope of an AI Ignitor Use Case. 
      Leverage existing data to generate business intelligence, address existing challenges, or automate existing workflows depending on your business needs. Kickstart a sustainable AI adoption journey for your business.
  • Develop your business' AI Ignitor Use Case. Then, deployment of your use cases, and undergo user acceptance testing to ensure full functionality for co-workers across various functions and positions in your business. When your use case is successfully implemented, ensure your co-workers are properly trained.


    These use cases are enabled by a readily available platform and AI building blocks from C4AI.


    Here are some examples of how companies benefit from our AI Ignitor Use Case Development:

    • In a dashboard for manufacturing shopfloors, a drag-and-drop template allows SMEs to quickly create client profiles and update statuses. Besides gaining valuable insights into the status of all the machines on their shopfloors, teams could also efficiently monitor and control their manufacturing processes remotely even during emergency lockdowns like the COVID-19 situation. 
    • Using customer profiles and behaviour data, an F&B Logistics Company can build credit-modelling AI models to gain effective credit items, maximising business effectiveness. 

Icon of a user
Can I apply?

Business entities that meet the following requirements will be eligible:

  • ACRA-registered, taxable, and operating in Singapore;
  • Minimum of 30 percent local shareholding.

Shortlisted companies will be able to receive 90% grant support for the project development with Nanyang Polytechnic, subject to terms and conditions.


Contact us

Dr Sophia Wei