Japanese Cakes & Pastries

Japanese Cakes & Pastries

About this course

Course objectives

This course is designed for baking beginners and enthusiasts who wish to acquire industry relevant baking skills and techniques in Japanese cakes and pastries. Learner will learn the technique to prepare a variety of cakes and pastries such as swiss rolls, cheese cakes as well as cream puffs. Learners will acquire necessary mixing technique to ensure proper aeration of the products. Learners will also acquire cakes and pastries assembly and presentation techniques.

Course description

Upon completion of this unit, learners will attain knowledge and skills in the following areas: 1. Understanding the history and significance of Japanese cakes & pastries 2. Understanding the ingredients and the technqiues of their applications in each of the products 3. Master the pastry skills such as merignue whisking, swiss rolling techniques, choux pastry techniques4. Master the skills to assemble and present the products 5. Develop skills to troubleshot common baking preparation and assembly issues.