Artisanal Tarts: Sweet and Savoury Duo

Artisanal Tarts: Sweet and Savoury Duo

About this course

Course objectives

In this course, participants will prepare and assemble the components of two popular Tarts: For Quiche Lorraine, participants will learn: - To prepare the quiche base from scratch - To create the eggy filling for the quiche - To fill the tart shell with the filling and bake till golden brown For Pear Tart, participants will learn: - To prepare the mealy dough tart shell from scratch - To create the almond cream filling for the tart - To layer the sliced pear and assemble the tart for baking学员们将学会如何从头开始制备两种最受欢迎的馅饼;梨杏仁奶油馅饼及乳蛋饼洛林。包括如何制备饼皮,内馅及组合整个馅饼。

Course description

1) Pear Frangipane Tart

2) Quiche LorraineACI reserves the rights to amend, revise or withdraw the items featured due to products availability. Photo for illustration purpose only.本校保留产品供应情况而修改、修改或撤销特色菜肴的权利。照片仅供说明之用