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Funding Incentives

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Course Fee Subsidies

MOE provides generous subsidies for Singapore Citizens (SCs) and Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs) to help working Singaporeans to upskill or re-skill through part-time learning at the polytechnics. This includes part-time Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Specialist Diploma and Diploma (Conversion) programmes.


SPRs will only be eligible for subsidy for first part-time diploma and first post diploma (i.e. first Advanced Diploma, first Specialist Diploma and first Diploma (Conversion) respectively). This is subject to SPRs not having previously attained a qualification at the diploma or higher level that was subsidised through a MOE subsidy or Government sponsorship.


Please see the actual course information for the exact subsidies. Find a course now.

Due to scheduled maintenance, our course catalogue will be unavailable on Friday 11pm - Saturday 7am. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

SSG-subsidised Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) courses



 Singapore Citizen (SC) TraineesSingapore Permanent Residents (SPR) Trainees
Aged 40 and aboveLess than 40 years old
Certifiable Courses for Rank and File90% course fee subsidy for CET Centre courses (with effect from 1 Oct 2015)90% course fee subsidy for CET Centre courses90% course fee subsidy for CET Centre courses
Certifiable Courses for Professionals, Managers and Executives (PMEs)90% course fee subsidy for CET Centre courses (with effect from 1 Oct 2015)70% course fee subsidy for CET Centre courses70% course fee subsidy for CET Centre courses


For further enquiries on SSG’s funding mechanism, please contact: 

SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) 
No 1 Marina Boulevard 
#18-01 ONE Marina Boulevard 
Singapore 018989 
General Enquiry Hotline: (65) 6785 5785
Contact: CustomerSupport (


NYP makes every effort to ensure that all information in this listing is accurate and complete, but is not liable for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions.


SkillsFuture Credits

Introduced in 2015, all Singaporeans aged 25 years and above received an opening credit of $500. You can make use of the SkillsFuture Credit to deepen your existing skills or reskill into new areas outside of your current field.


From 1 May 2024, Singaporeans aged 40 years and above will receive a SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career) top-up to pursue a substantive skills reboot. This is a key component of the SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme. Please visit SSG's website for more information.


Enquiries   |    Email:


The above information is accurate as at Apr 2024 and subject to changes from the respective agencies / companies. NYP makes every effort to ensure that all information in this listing is accurate and complete, but is not liable for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions.