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Give Back

As part of our alumni community, you too can make a difference in nurturing the next generation of NYP students or foster stronger ties with fellow alumni to support each other in various areas. Here are examples of how you can contribute to the NYP community:


Supporting Interest Groups

Supporting Interest Groups

You can share your passion and talent or reconnect with your former CCA group while volunteering your time to support the group.

Coaching & Experience Sharing

Coaching & Experience Sharing

Share your personal experiences on further education, career journey, or entrepreneurial endeavours at gatherings, talks, and seminars. You also get to participate in NYP Open House as a course advisor or education/career guide, or you could also give talks during career fairs or parents' seminars.

Providing Internship & Job Opportunities

Providing Internship & Job Opportunities

You can extend your help by providing job or internship opportunities to students and alumni.

Collaborating in Business & Projects

Collaborating in Business & Projects

Join the alumni business networking group to build your network of contacts and support fellow alumni in their business start-ups. You can also collaborate on projects with NYP Schools.